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Chlorine-Free System

When you want all the benefits of chlorine without that chlorine odor or irritation, choose GLB® Chlorine-Free System. Beautifully clear water that’s easier on eyes, skin, swimsuits and pool surfaces with minimal effort—that’s the beauty of the GLB® trusted chlorine-free formula.

GLB® Aqua Silk® Chlorine-Free Sanitizer

Aqua Silk® Sanitizer is a highly stable and effective alternative to traditional pool sanitizers. It provides clean pool water while making it feel soft and luxurious.

– Contains 20% biguanide (PHMB).

– Add 1/2 gallon per 10,000 gallons at start-up. Test weekly and add a top-up dose per the dosage chart on the label.

– Compatible with chlorine-free Aqua Silk® products.

Available Size: .5 gal.

GLB® Aqua Silk® Chlorine-Free Shock Oxidizer

This chlorine-free liquid formula clarifies pool water by oxidizing organic compounds completely and efficiently.

– Usage: Add 1 quart per 10,000 gallons weekly.

– Compatible with chlorine-free Aqua Silk® products.

Available Size: 1 gal.

GLB® Aqua Silk® Algaecide

Eliminate green, black and mustard algae as well as unsightly slime deposits with this powerful algaecide. As an added bonus, it also improves filter operation and sanitizer efficiency.

– Contains 50% quat.

– Add 1 1/4 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons weekly.

– Compatible with chlorine-free Aqua Silk® products.

Available Size: 32 fl. oz.

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